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News reports said on Tuesday that Manchester United considering contracting with Croatian playmaker Luka Modric Real Madrid, the event of the failure of his efforts to obtain the services of Cesc Fabregas Barcelona player.

The newspaper (The Times) British Manchester United may submit a bid for Real Madrid worth 25 million pounds (30 million euros) to incorporate Modric.

She added that Modric is a player who needs the manager David Moyes for the Reds, note that the player did not participate regularly Kosasa in a club through the training of Jose Mourinho's team, while not yet know his fate with the new coach Carlo Ancelotti.

The Manchester United has recently acknowledged that progress Bardan for Barcelona to sign Cesc was most recently for 40 million euros, and but Barça refusing.

It is known that Modric (27 years), has joined Real Madrid last summer, coming from Tottenham Hotspur, which is linked to his contract spans five seasons.

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