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Francisco Alarcon stressed "Isco" a newcomer to Real Madrid that his team goes in the "right track" during the period of preparation for the next season, after his victory on Saturday night in a friendly on Paris St Germain with a view without a response.

Isco statements made ​​to the Royal Club site, which he said "I am happy to collective action that implement it, it is too early to judge the performance, but we have a great team and great players, and moving on the right track."

The best player upside in Europe, "it is important to win, we have faced an opponent very strong (PSG), we seek to follow the same pace, we have the elements of a young and good, adapt and evolve gradually, Ancelotti asks us to perform fun and creativity with control the ball."

The Italian coach began Carlo Ancelotti his career with Real Madrid victory over Bournemouth, England on Saturday on his former club Paris Saint-Germain 1-0, and their draw with Lyon 2-2.

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