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As the season ended last season's European summit in Germany in the final of the Champions League, the official opening of the season will also be a German flavor, but this time a "local" on the Super Cup.

In the evening sports is expected to be devoid of excitement and fun, meet on Saturday evening, a team of Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund Dortmund stadium "Signal supported us Park" which accommodate 83 thousand spectators.

Bavarian giants qualified for the Super after bilateral local collection last season, where crowned League, 25 points behind Dortmund, also won the trophy at the expense of Stuttgart in the final 3-2, note that claimed the Cup "princess of Europe" after beating Dortmund 2-1 in the final match of the tournament hosted by England's Wembley Stadium, where provide manzokish for Bayern Gundogan equalized for Dortmund from the penalty spot, before they settled Arjen Robben signed with a view fought in the 89th minute of the match.

The Dortmund locked in that game as a runner for the German League, Bundesliga.

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