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Spanish news agency EFE ©

Gareth Bale, news reports revealed on Saturday that Real Madrid raise the display to join Tottenham Hotspur star Gareth Bale to 80 million pounds (93 million euros).

The newspaper "The Sun" that the British club chairman Daniel Levy rejected the offer, but that the two sides could reach an agreement in the coming hours.

The source pointed out that the Spurs might agree to the departure of Bill to the ranks of the riyal if Royal Group exceeded the 96 million euros paid by annexation in 2006 Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United.

The Spanish club officials are aware that the value of the deal up to 100 million euros, even though he had made in his first 70 million, and will not abandon the deal in exchange for an additional five million euros, according to the newspaper "Marca" Spanish.

Bell scored last season 31 goals to strengthen its position recently explicit striker.

The player Welsh has said that Spanish football is the favorite to him and said, alluding to his desire to move to Ouija "Best Spanish football on any other ball, they play a style my plans very difficult, keep the ball well, the difference Spanish created for Tottenham great difficulties during our confrontation with . "

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