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                                                                LEO MESSI
Of Aleomhakq match FC Barcelona a landslide victory on Saturday host Valernja the Norwegian seven unanswered goals in the friendly match that brought them together in the Norwegian capital of Oslo.

Barca won the first friendly match him in the summer preparations ahead of the new season, after losing the first match against Bayern Munich zero -2.

And the presence of the new coach of Barcelona, ​​Argentine Tata Martino, filled the stadium to support the players, but he did not interfere in Togerm.

Opened the scoring early Chilean Alexis Sanchez (s 4) and two minutes later Christian Teo added the second goal (s 6), and scored Lionel Messi III (BC 13), and Jonathan dos Santos signed on the fourth (s 42).

And rookie دونجو record twice in a row (s 51 and 55) before it concludes Juan Ramon Seven (s 87).

Catalans began to form a component of the match Jose Pinto, Martin Montoya, Javier Mascherano, Marc بارترا, Adriano Korea, Alex Song, Jonathan dos Santos, Sergi Roberto, Christian Teo, Alexis Sanchez, Lionel Messi.

And participated replacements keeper Auer and growing up Eli and Sergei Gomez and Planas, Patrick and Joan Ramon Espinosa, Kiko and Danny Nieto.

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