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Behind Welshman Gareth Bale star Tottenham for travel with the team to Monaco, France, where fighting teams friendly match, so as to provide an opportunity for the player to complete negotiations with Real Madrid, who is seeking his services, according to media reports the British today.

It is scheduled to plays (Alsprz) team tomorrow against Monaco in the context of preparations for the new season which will see the absence of star Welsh, according to the newspaper (Standard Ifining) British.

It seems that Bill (24 years), who preferred not to go to a meeting Monaco for fear of injury.

The Welsh player, who scored for Tottenham 26 goals last season, under the leadership of the Portuguese André Filach Boash, has missed the team during the last three weeks because of a muscle injury.

The newspaper (MSI) Spanish revealed in its Thursday edition that the riyal reached a verbal agreement with Tottenham to sign Bell for 120 million euros, and that the pressure exerted by Bill the English club in order to leave as a decisive factor.

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