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Gonzalo Hajoanaaln the Italian club Napoli on Thursday night to postpone provide new Argentine striker Gonzalo Higuain to Friday evening, after they had been scheduled for Thursday evening.

The newspaper "La Ajazataa dello Sport" that the player will be presented on Thursday evening was at five and a half GMT, but was later Tagelet to Friday.
The club did not announce the reason for the postponement of providing the player, but confirmed press reports that the decision came from the president of the club Aurelio de Aorantis, who preferred to be postponed submission to the media.
Skip Argentine Gonzalo Higuain, Spanish goalkeeper Pepe Reina medical examinations in Naples, where will join the Spanish team led by Rafael Benitez.
Higuain received by about 50 supporters of Naples, where the player expressed his happiness "big" to join.

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